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HomeInternationalRising Extremism and Security Threats: Jashimuddin Rahmani’s Call for West Bengal Secession

Rising Extremism and Security Threats: Jashimuddin Rahmani’s Call for West Bengal Secession

Jashimuddin Rahmani, a notorious Islamic extremist linked to Pakistan-based terror groups, has emerged as a figurehead in spreading violent rhetoric aimed at destabilizing India. In a recent video, Rahmani urged the secession of West Bengal from India, calling on the state’s Chief Minister, Mamata Banerjee, to “free Bengal from Modi’s rule” and declare independence. His dangerous speech, laden with support for separatist movements across India, has raised alarms not only in India but also within international security circles. Rahmani’s connections with the Ansarullah Bangla Team (ABT), an affiliate of Al-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS), compound the seriousness of these threats.

Who is Jashimuddin Rahmani ?

Jashimuddin Rahmani is the leader of ABT, a Bangladeshi extremist organization known for its violent agenda and close ties with global terror networks, including Al-Qaeda. Rahmani has long advocated for jihadist ideologies, positioning himself as a key player in Bangladesh’s growing extremist ecosystem. His group, ABT, has been responsible for numerous attacks on secularists, bloggers, and intellectuals in Bangladesh and has increasingly focused on expanding its influence beyond borders, particularly targeting India.

In the past, Rahmani’s group has carried out attacks in collaboration with other extremist organizations, attempting to establish sleeper cells in India’s northeastern states and beyond. The ABT’s partnership with Pakistan-based terror outfits such as Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) and Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami (HuJI) makes Rahmani a significant threat to Indian security.

The Call for Secession of West Bengal

In a disturbing video recently released, Rahmani directly called for the secession of West Bengal from India. His message was clear: he urged Mamata Banerjee to “liberate Bengal from Modi’s rule” and align with forces pushing for independence. This rhetoric is a continuation of the “Tukde-Tukde” (fragment) ideology that seeks to divide India along ethnic, religious, and regional lines. Rahmani also vowed support for separatist movements across the country, including in the sensitive northeastern region.

In his address, Rahmani did not stop at just inciting secession but also mentioned his broader ambition of encouraging insurgency across the northeastern states. Referring to this region as “the Seven Sisters,” Rahmani proposed to exploit the region’s fragile security situation, potentially drawing support from international players like China.

The Siliguri Corridor: A Strategic Target

One of the most alarming aspects of Rahmani’s speech was his reference to the Siliguri Corridor, often called the “Chicken’s Neck.” This narrow stretch of land connects India’s northeastern states to the rest of the country and is a vital geographical and military lifeline. Rahmani’s threats to leverage China’s influence to cut off the Siliguri Corridor are not new, but they now appear more credible, given the growing tensions in the region.

The corridor, just 20 kilometers wide at its narrowest point, has long been a security concern for India. Any disruption to this corridor would not only isolate the northeastern states but also give rise to potential insurgencies fueled by extremist ideologies. Rahmani’s speech highlighted a broader strategy to destabilize India by creating divisions, especially in the Northeast, which has historically been prone to insurgencies.

Bangladesh’s Worrying Turn Toward Extremism

Rahmani’s video must also be understood within the larger context of rising extremism in Bangladesh. Recent actions by the Bangladeshi government, such as the release of imprisoned extremists, have led to growing concerns that Bangladesh is becoming a breeding ground for terrorism. Rahmani’s release has particularly troubled Indian security forces, given his past actions and connections with terror outfits.

The political instability in Bangladesh has exacerbated the problem. Economic woes, including widespread industrial shutdowns, floods, and inflation, have contributed to growing unrest. Amid these challenges, Rahmani’s inflammatory rhetoric is finding fertile ground among disenfranchised segments of the population. This internal instability poses a direct threat to India, given the porous borders and the long history of cross-border terror activities.

Threat to India’s Northeast: A Geopolitical Gamble

Rahmani’s agenda of stirring up separatist movements in India’s Northeast is particularly dangerous, as the region has already been the site of multiple insurgencies. In recent years, various terrorist groups, including ABT, have attempted to infiltrate Assam, Tripura, and Manipur. Intelligence reports suggest that ABT has partnered with Pakistan’s intelligence agency, ISI, and other extremist outfits to carry out attacks in the region.

In 2024, several ABT-linked terrorists were arrested in Assam, thwarting a significant terror plot. However, the recent release of Rahmani and the resurgence of ABT’s activities have renewed fears of escalating violence. With the Northeast being a strategically important region, any major unrest would have far-reaching consequences, both politically and militarily.

Chinese Interests and Rahmani’s Threats

One of the most troubling aspects of Rahmani’s speech was his mention of China. He claimed that China would support Bangladesh in cutting off the Siliguri Corridor, effectively isolating India’s Northeast from the rest of the country. While these claims may appear far-fetched, they reflect a broader geopolitical struggle in the region. China has been increasingly assertive in South Asia, establishing strong ties with countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh through its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

India has long been wary of China’s influence in its neighborhood, and Rahmani’s threats align with Beijing’s strategic interests. Any disruption in the Siliguri Corridor would serve China’s interests by weakening India’s position in the region and potentially giving rise to insurgencies that would divert Indian military attention.

Bangladesh’s Internal Crisis: Economic and Social Strain

While Rahmani’s message is cause for alarm in India, it also highlights the deteriorating situation in Bangladesh. The country has been grappling with severe economic difficulties, including an over-reliance on international financial assistance. The recent floods have compounded these problems, leading to widespread unemployment, industrial shutdowns, and rising public discontent.

The Bangladeshi government’s inability to effectively address these issues has led to the empowerment of extremist groups like ABT. Rahmani’s rise is a direct result of this internal instability, and the Bangladeshi government’s failure to contain extremist ideologies may have devastating consequences not only for Bangladesh but also for the region.

A Looming Threat for India and the Region

Jashimuddin Rahmani’s call for the secession of West Bengal and the destabilization of India’s Northeast is part of a larger agenda driven by extremist groups like ABT, with support from Pakistan-based terror networks. Rahmani’s inflammatory rhetoric, combined with Bangladesh’s internal political and economic crises, poses a grave threat to India’s national security.

The release of Rahmani and his resurgent terror network signals a dangerous turn for both Bangladesh and India. While Rahmani’s threats may not immediately materialize, they point to a growing challenge for Indian security forces, particularly in the sensitive northeastern region.

India must remain vigilant, strengthening its borders and addressing the vulnerabilities in the Siliguri Corridor. Simultaneously, the international community must hold Bangladesh accountable for its failure to curb the rise of extremism and ensure that the country does not become a breeding ground for terrorism in the region.