In a recent development, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who is currently in jail, has been accused of having connections with Khalistanis. The head of the Shake for Justice organization, Gurpatwant Singh Pannu, has alleged that Kejriwal received crores of rupees in donations from Khalistanis. Following this accusation, Delhi Lieutenant Governor (LG) VK Saxena has taken significant action by recommending an investigation by the National Investigation Agency (NIA).
Pannu, the leader of the banned terrorist organization Sikh For Justice, claimed that his organization had funded the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) with $16 million (approximately Rs 134 crore) between 2014 and 2022. Pannu alleged that Kejriwal had promised to work towards the release of Devendra Pal Bhullar, a convicted terrorist, in exchange for the donations. These allegations gained traction when Dr. Munish Raizada, a pediatrician from Chicago, shared pictures and videos supporting Pannu’s claims. Earlier all claims have been proved right which has increased the seriousness of the matter.
Reference News:
Times of India (Dated 27th Mar 2024)
Pro-Khalistan group met Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal in 2014, funded him: SFJ chief Gurpatwant Singh Pannun
The NIA Investigation:
Delhi LG VK Saxena, after considering the evidence and legal advice, wrote a letter to the Home Ministry recommending an NIA investigation into Kejriwal’s alleged ties with Khalistanis. This move indicates that the LG believes there is sufficient cause for an investigation. The letter also mentions a closed-room meeting between Kejriwal and suspicious individuals at a Gurudwara in New York, further raising concerns about the Chief Minister’s activities.
Implications for Kejriwal:
If the NIA investigation is initiated, it could pose significant problems for Kejriwal. The allegations against him and the AAP involve accepting donations from a banned terrorist organization, which is a serious offense. Additionally, the investigation may shed light on the source of the funds and expose any illicit activities associated with them. Kejriwal’s previous association with individuals linked to Khalistanis and his alleged promises to secure Bhullar’s release could further damage his reputation.
The recommendation for an NIA investigation into Arvind Kejriwal’s alleged ties with Khalistanis has raised serious concerns about the Chief Minister’s activities. The accusations made by Pannu and supported by Dr. Munish Raizada have prompted the LG to take action. If the investigation proceeds, it could have significant implications for Kejriwal and the AAP. The NIA’s findings may uncover the truth behind the alleged donations and shed light on any illicit activities associated with them. As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how this investigation will impact Kejriwal’s political career and the AAP’s reputation.
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